
The Junior section of the club is able to accept members of 11 years and above, and we have a thriving Junior squad with a team of dedicated and experienced coaches. As well as the health and fitness benefits that rowing provides there is also fun, friendship and competition. Throughout the year the Juniors compete at a number of local regattas and longer distance 'head' races. Some of our members have also achieved success at Inter Regional and National championships.

We would like all our members to enjoy their rowing and stay safe. If you have any concerns you can speak to your coach or our Welfare Officer, who can be contacted by email at welfare@talkintarnarc.co.uk

Learn to Row

If you would like to learn to row, the enrolment for junior beginners is held once a month, on Saturdays. Please contact the club for relevant dates. Juniors aged 11 and over can attend dressed in casual or sportswear but no jeans. Please bring a towel and spare clothes.